Reino Unido

2022-09-22 23:55

IndustriaWhen to trade forex
Forex trades are carried out from different time zones all over the world so the market is open 24 hours a day giving traders the freedom to choose when to work. But is it truly active and profitable all the 24 hours? No! Quite often, beginners are misled by the fact that currency trading happens at all hours so they start trading in times when nothing happens as it should. There are specific times when the activity and liquidity peaks...and these special times are when the most active sessions overlap. During the overlapping of sessions, the flow of transactions and money is the highest, thus fueling the currency fluctuations and forming notable trends. Knowing the best time for trading is critical for success. In this section, you will learn when the best market hours of the day are for trading, which day of the week is the most productive and which trading sessions are considered to have the most potential. 3 Golden nuggets of forex timing Busiest session The busiest session of all is the London (Europe) session. 30% of all trades happen during this session. Session Overlapping The best hours for trading are during the overlapping of the major sessions. The most important one: London/New York. The most active days The most active time of the week is from Tuesday to Thursday. Best times of day for trading The most active trading sessions are in London and New York, so the highest market liquidity is when these sessions overlap, as both continents are online and actively trading with each other. The most active trading sessions are in London and New York, so the highest market liquidity is when these sessions overlap, as both continents are online and actively trading with each other. This creates big fluctuations in the currency prices, opening more notable opportunities for making gains. Keep in mind that during the last minutes of London’s session, the currency swings can become quite chaotic and thus, harder to predict. The opening of London’s session is also very active and lucrative as it overlaps with the end of Tokyo’s session. The third major overlap happens between the Sydney and Tokyo sessions. Still, this time is less liquid than the London/NY sessions as it is late evening or night in the rest of the world. Best days of the week for trading Now you know when you should be watching or reading the daily news from around the world and when to analyze the charts, what about the best days of the week? Are all days equally good for trading? While there can be breaking news that disrupt the average weekly flow, there is a pattern that works most of the time when there are no force majeure events. As shown in the picture above, businesses are coming back from the weekend so the week starts out at a slow pace; but it doesn’t mean you can’t trade on Mondays. The most active days are in the middle of the week, usually on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Fridays are usually active only during the first half of the day. On Fridays, the last hours that day can sometimes be chaotic so it’s best to avoid trading then. Just remember that you don’t have to trade all of the sessions. It is neither sustainable nor productive in the long run. Instead, you should choose the most suitable time frame to match your daily rhythm like and share for more post update
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When to trade forex
Reino Unido | 2022-09-22 23:55
Forex trades are carried out from different time zones all over the world so the market is open 24 hours a day giving traders the freedom to choose when to work. But is it truly active and profitable all the 24 hours? No! Quite often, beginners are misled by the fact that currency trading happens at all hours so they start trading in times when nothing happens as it should. There are specific times when the activity and liquidity peaks...and these special times are when the most active sessions overlap. During the overlapping of sessions, the flow of transactions and money is the highest, thus fueling the currency fluctuations and forming notable trends. Knowing the best time for trading is critical for success. In this section, you will learn when the best market hours of the day are for trading, which day of the week is the most productive and which trading sessions are considered to have the most potential. 3 Golden nuggets of forex timing Busiest session The busiest session of all is the London (Europe) session. 30% of all trades happen during this session. Session Overlapping The best hours for trading are during the overlapping of the major sessions. The most important one: London/New York. The most active days The most active time of the week is from Tuesday to Thursday. Best times of day for trading The most active trading sessions are in London and New York, so the highest market liquidity is when these sessions overlap, as both continents are online and actively trading with each other. The most active trading sessions are in London and New York, so the highest market liquidity is when these sessions overlap, as both continents are online and actively trading with each other. This creates big fluctuations in the currency prices, opening more notable opportunities for making gains. Keep in mind that during the last minutes of London’s session, the currency swings can become quite chaotic and thus, harder to predict. The opening of London’s session is also very active and lucrative as it overlaps with the end of Tokyo’s session. The third major overlap happens between the Sydney and Tokyo sessions. Still, this time is less liquid than the London/NY sessions as it is late evening or night in the rest of the world. Best days of the week for trading Now you know when you should be watching or reading the daily news from around the world and when to analyze the charts, what about the best days of the week? Are all days equally good for trading? While there can be breaking news that disrupt the average weekly flow, there is a pattern that works most of the time when there are no force majeure events. As shown in the picture above, businesses are coming back from the weekend so the week starts out at a slow pace; but it doesn’t mean you can’t trade on Mondays. The most active days are in the middle of the week, usually on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Fridays are usually active only during the first half of the day. On Fridays, the last hours that day can sometimes be chaotic so it’s best to avoid trading then. Just remember that you don’t have to trade all of the sessions. It is neither sustainable nor productive in the long run. Instead, you should choose the most suitable time frame to match your daily rhythm like and share for more post update
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