टेक्निकल इंडेक्स


That being said, the FTSE is far from a position of power despite early signs that European and American cities have begun to ease restrictions. Therefore, one of the few bright spots for the index may exist in the series of higher highs and higher lows starting in late March and holding above the recent low around 5,670 will be crucial in keeping the formation alive. While the upcoming event risk may provide the spark to make or break the level, evidence for a broader continuation higher might exist even if the immediate reaction to the news is negative – as long as it holds above the recent low. Should it fail however, the FTSE 100 may slip to an area of subsequent support around 5,500. This would muddy the series of successive higher highs and lows and would deal a technical blow in the short-term. If, on the other hand, the event risk passes and market participants are happy with the bank’s intentions, establishing another high above resistance around 6,225 will be important for staging the next leg higher. A gap exists immediately above the area, which may allow for bulls to capture the zone and enjoy a quick rush higher. Either way, price action may remain subdued until Thursday’s rate decision has passed. Join my colleague Justin McQueen for a live webinar of the event in which the resultant price action and implications will be discussed.

2020-05-06 09:34 संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका

पसंद किया गया

जवाब दें

टेक्निकल इंडेक्स

Gold Price Carves Lower Highs and Lows Amid Plans

GOLD PRICE TALKING POINTS Gold continues to pull back from the yearly high ($1748) even though the International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts global growth to contract 3.0% in 2020, and the price for bullion may face a larger correction as it carves a series of lower highs and lows. GOLD PRICE CARVES LOWER HIGHS AND LOWS AMID PLANS TO REOPEN US ECONOMY The price of gold fails to test the November 2012 high ($1754)as the Trump administration outlines a three-phased approach to reopen the US economy, and the bullish momentum may continue to abate over the coming days as the Relative Strength Index (RSI) reverses course ahead of overbought territory. Hopes of a V-shaped recovery appear to be dampening the appeal of gold as St. Louis Fed President James Bullard insists that “it is entirely possible and feasible we can get past the crisis mostly in the second quarter,” and a growing number of Federal Reserve officials may adopt an improved outlook as the central bank takes unprecedented steps to combat the economic shock from COVID-19. However, New York Fed President John Williams, a permanent voting-member on the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), warns of a protracted recovery as “it's going to take longer to get us back to where we want to be.” Mr. Williams went onto say that “I don't see the economy being back to full strength by the end of the year”during an interview with CNBC, and the weakening outlook for growth may force the FOMC to retain a dovish forward guidance at its next interest rate decision on April 29 as the IMF sees the US economy contracting 5.9% in 2020. It remains to be seen if the FOMC will continue to push monetary policy into uncharted territory as the committee “remainscommitted to using its full range of tools to support the flow of credit to households and businesses to counter the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic,” but the unprecedented response may ultimately lead to unintended consequences as the Fed relies on its balance sheet to cushion the US economy. With that said, the low interest rate environment may continue to act as a backstop for goldas marketparticipants look for an alternative to fiat-currencies, and the broader outlook for bullion remains constructive as the reaction to the former-resistance zone around $1450 (38.2% retracement) to $1452 (100% expansion) helped to rule out the threat of a Head-and-Shoulders formation, with a similar scenario arising in March as the price of gold reversed course from the monthly low ($1451). However, the price of bullion may continue to pullback from the yearly high ($1748) as it initiates a series of lower highs and lows, while the Relative Strength Index (RSI) reverses course ahead of overbought territory.

2020-04-20 16:06 संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका

पसंद किया गया

जवाब दें

टेक्निकल इंडेक्स

US Dollar Fundamental Outlook

US DOLLAR ASEAN WEEKLY RECAP The US Dollar mostly aimed higher this past week against ASEAN currencies such as the Singapore Dollar, Malaysian Ringgit and Philippine Peso. It lost ground however to the Indonesian Rupiah, resulting in an overall down week for my ASEAN-based US Dollar index. Weakness in the haven-linked Greenback notably slowed as of late despite a cautiously optimistic mood on Wall Street as equities rose over the past 5 days. The resilience in the Rupiah comes amid upbeat commentary from Bank of Indonesia’s Governor Perry Warjiyo who mentioned last week that intervention needs “have been largely reduced”. As I mentioned prior, the USD continued to focusing on external developments to find direction against currencies in the developing Asia Pacific region. This will likely continue being the case in the week ahead. LAST WEEK’S US DOLLAR PERFORMANCE US Dollar Fundamental Outlook: SGD, IDR, MYR, PHP Focus on Earnings ASEAN-Based US Dollar Index averages USD/SGD, USD/IDR, USD/MYR and USD/IDR Confirmed coronavirus case growth in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines has been slowing on average. The weekly chart below overlays these cases alongside my ASEAN-based US Dollar index. The latter averages USD against SGD, MYR, IDR and PHP. This is also following the cautious easing in global reports such as in countries like the United States, Italy and France.

2020-04-20 16:05 संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका


जवाब दें

इंडेक्सGold Price Carves Lower Highs and Lows Amid Plans

GOLD PRICE TALKING POINTS Gold continues to pull back from the yearly high ($1748) even though the International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts global growth to contract 3.0% in 2020, and the price for bullion may face a larger correction as it carves a series of lower highs and lows. GOLD PRICE CARVES LOWER HIGHS AND LOWS AMID PLANS TO REOPEN US ECONOMY The price of gold fails to test the November 2012 high ($1754)as the Trump administration outlines a three-phased approach to reopen the US economy, and the bullish momentum may continue to abate over the coming days as the Relative Strength Index (RSI) reverses course ahead of overbought territory. Hopes of a V-shaped recovery appear to be dampening the appeal of gold as St. Louis Fed President James Bullard insists that “it is entirely possible and feasible we can get past the crisis mostly in the second quarter,” and a growing number of Federal Reserve officials may adopt an improved outlook as the central bank takes unprecedented steps to combat the economic shock from COVID-19. However, New York Fed President John Williams, a permanent voting-member on the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), warns of a protracted recovery as “it's going to take longer to get us back to where we want to be.” Mr. Williams went onto say that “I don't see the economy being back to full strength by the end of the year”during an interview with CNBC, and the weakening outlook for growth may force the FOMC to retain a dovish forward guidance at its next interest rate decision on April 29 as the IMF sees the US economy contracting 5.9% in 2020. It remains to be seen if the FOMC will continue to push monetary policy into uncharted territory as the committee “remainscommitted to using its full range of tools to support the flow of credit to households and businesses to counter the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic,” but the unprecedented response may ultimately lead to unintended consequences as the Fed relies on its balance sheet to cushion the US economy. With that said, the low interest rate environment may continue to act as a backstop for goldas marketparticipants look for an alternative to fiat-currencies, and the broader outlook for bullion remains constructive as the reaction to the former-resistance zone around $1450 (38.2% retracement) to $1452 (100% expansion) helped to rule out the threat of a Head-and-Shoulders formation, with a similar scenario arising in March as the price of gold reversed course from the monthly low ($1451). However, the price of bullion may continue to pullback from the yearly high ($1748) as it initiates a series of lower highs and lows, while the Relative Strength Index (RSI) reverses course ahead of overbought territory.


2020-04-20 16:06

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