Южная Африка
2021-04-26 20:09
Анализ котировокSouth Africa Foreign Exchange Market
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Compared with the previous month,the rand weakened in March 2021 against most developed market and developing market currencies.The unweighted average change in the value of the rand amounted to -0.3%.Month-on-Month,the rand depreciated by 1.3% against the US dollar and by 1.6% against the British pound,but was stable against the euro and 1.6% stronger against the Japanese yen.The rand was 2.1% stronger against the Swiss franc,but lost 0.6%, against the Chinese yuan and 1.1% against the Australian dollar.
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South Africa Foreign Exchange Market
Compared with the previous month,the rand weakened in March 2021 against most developed market and developing market currencies.The unweighted average change in the value of the rand amounted to -0.3%.Month-on-Month,the rand depreciated by 1.3% against the US dollar and by 1.6% against the British pound,but was stable against the euro and 1.6% stronger against the Japanese yen.The rand was 2.1% stronger against the Swiss franc,but lost 0.6%, against the Chinese yuan and 1.1% against the Australian dollar.
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