2022-09-19 23:34
Технический показательThe secret formula to trading success
How much money can you make from trading ?
First, you should understand a popular mistake that most beginners make.
Many beginner traders are trying to get rich from one grand trade or a few lucky trades.
But that's not how trading works. And that's one of the reasons why ~70% of beginner traders lose their money.
A more realistic daily gain goal is around 1% of your account size.
So, if you put $1,000 in your account, you could aim to gain around $10 per day.
If you have a $10,000 account then you could try to aim for a profit of $100 per day.
... and so on.
Keep in mind that these are realistic numbers only for traders who know what they're doing.
Hmm.... $10 per day with a $1,000 investment?
You might be thinking that it's not much.
Actually, it's a LOT if you understand the power of COMPOUND INTEREST.
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The secret formula to trading success
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