3 月,我有機會通過資產索賠咨詢加入私人調查領域,我可能已經失去了所有的錢,因此使用 SHD金融是一種愚蠢的浪費時間。直到他們向我透露他們是多么不誠實,我真的認為他們是一家可靠的公司,然后我才能從我的賬戶中正確取回我的錢,總共超過 79,000 美元做了很多調查。甚至不要想給他們任何你辛苦賺來的錢。那些詐騙者不斷要求付款以處理我的提款請求,每次我付款時,他們都會想出一個新的理由,為什么我應該支付 mlre 錢。他們在繼續欺騙無辜受害者也沒有同情心。

scam exposure
In March I was given the opportunity to join the field of private investigation with Assetsclaimback Advisory I may have lost all of my money, thus using SHD finance was a foolish waste of time. Up until they revealed to me how dishonest they are, I honestly thought they were a reliable company, before I could properly take my money back from my account, which totalled over $79,000 did a lot of investigation . Do not even think of giving them any of your hard-earned money. Thos scammers keep requesting payment after payment to process my withdrawal requests, and each time i make a payment, they will come up with a new reason why i should pay mlre money. They have no empathy while continuing scamming innocent victims.