典型的不受監管的黑平臺,您無法提取資金,也無法再聯系他們,因為他們拒絕回答,但當我已經有 66k 我無法出金時,他們決定用電話轟炸我以投資更多資金平臺最近的finrecoup。曝光了SHD并讓我的投資被退回,這讓我有機會遠離SHD

An investment company to avoid
Typical scheme and unregulated platform, you can't withdraw your money and can't contact them anymore because they have refused to answer but they decide to bombard me with calls to invest more money when i already had 66k i couldn't withdraw from their platform A recent Finrecoup. org recovery action exposed the activities of SHD & caused my investment to be returned giving a clear opportunity to stay clear of the phantom scheme company that is SHD