MHMarkets:Turkish President urges responsible action by all parties in Ukraine's grain trade

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday urged Russia and Ukraine to act responsibly and to abide by the agreement they signed in Istanbul last week on Ukrainian grain exports. Just a day after Kyiv and Moscow signed an agreement brokered by Turkey and the United Nations to allow shipments, and a Russian missile strike hit the southern Ukrainian port of Odessa, Erdogan said Istanbul had stepped up diplomatic efforts to avoid the attack. any consequences.

News 2022-07-26 17:33

Understanding Forex Trading Slippage and be A Smart Trader

If your position is affected by slippage, your orders will still be executed by some brokers at the worst price. But a reliable broker like Salmamarket forex broker will do the best execution.

News 2022-07-26 16:20

GemForex - Weekly analysis

The markets brace for the week ahead: FED FOMC meetings, AUD CPI, EUR CPI & GDP red prints, and a calm BoJ

Review 2022-07-26 15:57

Vantage UK Now Has A Copy Trading APP

Vantage, a multi-asset broker based in Sydney, has launched V Social, its social trading platform, in the United Kingdom.

News 2022-07-26 15:15

WIKIFX REPORT: ATFX Connect Awarded the “Best Institutional Business Broker 2022”

Recently, the “Global Forex Awards 2022”, a leading industry award ceremony that attracts significant attention from investors globally, announced the list of winning companies. Given the excellent performance of ATFX’s institutional business this year, it was no surprise that ATFX Connect, the broker’s institutional arm, won the “Best Institutional Business Broker 2022”.

News 2022-07-26 11:48

MHMarkets :US President's doctor: Biden's condition continues to improve, sore throat is now the main symptom

​ President Joe Biden's "symptoms continue to improve significantly" following a diagnosis of Covid-19 on Thursday, the president's doctor wrote in a letter Sunday. Biden's "predominant symptom right now is a sore throat," wrote Dr. Kevin O'Connor, who believes this is likely due to "lymphatic activation as his body clears the virus," calling the development encouraging. Other symptoms, including a runny nose (runny nose), cough and body aches, "have greatly reduced", while pulse, blood pressur

News 2022-07-25 17:52

MHMarkets:The European Central Bank promises that inflation will return to the 2% target, and the initial value of the US Markit manufacturing PMI in July is less than expected

The initial value of the U.S. Markit Manufacturing PMI in July was 52.3, the lowest since August 2020; the initial value of the U.S. Markit Service PMI in July was 47, the lowest since June 2020. The U.S. economy is worryingly deteriorating, with industrial output falling at a rate not seen since the 2009 global financial crisis, excluding the months of the coronavirus lockdown. After the data was released, swap contracts also indicated a slight decrease in the probability of a 75 basis point ra

News 2022-07-25 17:10

The Effect of Using Forex Trading Robot for Beginners

This robot is an electronic tool that works automatically to look for trading opportunities (open trade), selling opportunities (open sell), and buying opportunities (open buy) in the forex market.

News 2022-07-25 16:21

WikiFX report: OctaFX announces a visual rebranding on its 11th anniversary

For OctaFX, 11 years of offering brokerage services is a significant accomplishment. The broker made the first-ever decision to conduct a graphic rebranding.

News 2022-07-25 15:43

Pros and Cons of Automated Forex Trading Systems

While automated trading brings numerous advancements to the trading world, there is no guarantee that every trade will result in significant profits. A fast-moving market like Forex can present both advantages and disadvantages for automated traders. Before implementing automated trading into your strategy, make sure you weigh both its pros and cons. Let’s break it down one by one.

Activity 2022-07-25 15:12

Automated Forex Trading Systems

If you’ve done so much Forex trading over time, you probably know how exhausting the process can be, especially if things don’t go as planned. It is a dream of many traders to get an intelligent partner untainted by emotions, logical, who always aim for profitable trades, and executes them almost instantly. If you’re one of them searching for all of this, don’t worry — you can get it all with an automated Forex trading system.

Activity 2022-07-25 15:08

Forex Facts and Myths to Learn before Getting Started

As we know, not a few people think that forex trading is a matter of luck and luck. Whereas in reality, not all the assumptions that are said are true and maybe just a myth. However, many people believe in it, especially in Indonesia itself.

News 2022-07-23 01:01

MHMarkets:A new round of talks on Ukraine's grain exports will be held on Friday

Turkey, Russia and Ukraine will hold a new round of talks on Ukrainian grain exports in Turkey on Friday, according to a senior Ukrainian official. Ukrainian Foreign ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko said late Thursday that a document could be signed after negotiations that would include obligations on the safe operation of the Black Sea export route.

News 2022-07-22 18:07

MHMarkets:Europe raised interest rates by 50 basis points and US jobless claims came in higher than expected

The European Central Bank unexpectedly raised interest rates by 50 basis points in July, its first increase in 11 years and ending an era of negative interest rates in the Eurozone. In addition, the ECB has launched an anti-financial fragmentation tool, TPI, aimed at prventing financial ragmentation within the Eurozone. The ECB said TPI purchases are not subject to "priori restrictions" and the sacale of purchases depends on the severity of policy transmission risks, but did not provide other de

News 2022-07-22 17:49

Knowing of Trusted Broker Indonesia in Forex Trading

In forex trading, a broker is an important business person. It is needed by traders as the best relation because a broker will bring traders to get success. However, not all brokers will bring traders to success. So, traders must choose a trusted broker.

News 2022-07-22 16:37

Check Out Where Your Invested Money Go With FVP Trade - It's A Money Trap!

FVP Trades recently sent a startling message on their app regarding the account being frozen owing to a bank inquiry. Many of their traders were not told until the day of the notification and are unable to access their accounts for daily trading.

News 2022-07-22 16:13

WIKIFX REPORT: A great week for institutional investors who own 33% of Robinhood Markets, Inc. (NASD

Which shareholder group is the most influential can be determined by looking at Robinhood Markets, Inc.'s (NASDAQ:HOOD) shareholders. With a 33 percent ownership, it is clear that institutions hold the majority of the company's shares. In other words, if the stock increases, the group will profit the most (or lose the most if there is a downturn).

News 2022-07-22 13:47

Trading On Forex News Releases, An Important Skill for Traders

Trading based on such as Forex News Releases can be beneficial as traders can stay informed and will not be carelessly taking decisions. Based on the release, traders can act on the market properly.

News 2022-07-22 04:38

07/21 Market report

【Dow Jones】 【Euro】 【Gold】 【Crude oil】

Review 2022-07-21 23:45

What’s up in the markets right now? Gas/Tesla/ECB Date: July 21st

It has been an eventful week already, especially in Europe. Find out what’s moving the markets in today’s article.

News 2022-07-21 19:43

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