Mohicans markets:Focus on the U.S. Employment Data

On Wednesday, spot gold oscillated around $1,700 during the day and fell below the $1,700 mark overnight, eventually closing down 0.27% at $1,697.42 per ounce; spot silver diverged from gold, eventually closing up 1.59% at $19.63 per ounce.

News 2022-09-15 14:22

WIKIFX REPORT: Forex traders must know about Forex Signals Introduction to Forex Signals

Forex signals serve to determine the right forex trading opportunities at the right moment.

News 2022-09-15 11:26

WIKIFX REPORT: CAD unfazed post-BoC meeting

CAD is the ISO 4217 currency code for the Canadian dollar - the official currency of the country of Canada. Currency Name:Canadian dollar. The Bank of Canada hiked by 75 bps to 3.25% as expected on Wednesday this week and is still assessing how much further rates will need to go in order to return inflation to target.

News 2022-09-15 11:20

WIKIFX REPORT: [Market Morning] Gold Fell Below the 1710 Mark, US Bond Yields Rose Again

Gold yesterday settled down by -0.3% at 50281 as the dollar index gained further ground above the 110 mark, reaching levels not seen since June 2002, as investors brace for more interest rate hikes from the Federal Reserve. Traders' focus shifts to the European Central Bank's rate action when it meets on Thursday. The market also expects a big interest rate hike from the U.S. Federal Reserve in its Sept. 20-21 policy meeting.

News 2022-09-15 11:17

Knowing Lot and Pip Calculator Carefully Before Trading

Beforehand, traders should know the definition of PIP and lot. PIP is the point in percentage in forex while Lot is the unit count of forex for contract trading.

News 2022-09-15 01:13

Mohicans markets:Rate Hike Expectations Intensify, And Focus on the Evening EIA Data

On Wednesday, September 14, the CPI data released last night hardly made a radical change in the pace of Fed rate hikes, but the negative fundamentals still kept gold under pressure below 1710. Crude oil is still dominated by supply and demand with stronger support, and tonight’s EIA data may further disrupt the oil market. This breakdown in CPI expectations also hints at why the dollar has remained strong recently.

News 2022-09-14 17:31

Knowing Lot and Pip Calculator Carefully Before Trading

Unit count of forex is lot and PIP. All business people in the forex business must know about both of them. So, they know how much capital should they use.

News 2022-09-14 15:05

Mohicans markets:Focus on EIA Crude Oil Inventory Data

On Tuesday, spot gold dived sharply in the U.S. market and once fell below the $1700 mark, eventually closing down 1.30% at $1702.08 per ounce; spot silver dived with gold, eventually closing down 2.30% at $19.33 per ounce.

News 2022-09-14 10:32

Mohicans markets:The Annual Rate of the US CPI in August is not Seasonally Adjusted

On Tuesday, September 13, spot gold tested 1723.97 resistance, and then the market faces a choice of direction; spot silver gained some support at 19.52, with the first upside target to 19.94; WTI crude oil recovered all the lost ground in the session, the primary resistance focus on 89.17; the dollar index under pressure at 108.34 below, which was down to test the 108 mark.

News 2022-09-13 17:30

GemForex - weekly analysis

The week ahead: The market is set for more rallies

Review 2022-09-13 14:48

Mohicans markets:Market Focuses on the Annual Rate of the US CPI in August is not Seasonally Adjusted

On Monday September 11, spot gold rose and then fell. After the US market rose to a daily high of 1735.03, it gave up most of the previous gains and fell below the $1730 mark, and finally closed up 0.43% at $1727.47 per ounce;Spot silver once soared 6% during the day, and broke through the $20 mark, and finally closed up 4.99% at $19.78 per ounce.

News 2022-09-13 14:11

WIKIFX REPORT: OctaFX and AWARD association join efforts to provide aid for flood-hit Pakistan

OctaFX joins AWARD association in providing emergency aid to 250 families of the flood-hit Taunsa, Dera Ghazi Khan District, Pakistan.

News 2022-09-13 13:40

Things You Must Know as a Beginner in Forex Trading

Forex trading or commonly referred to as foreign exchange trading is a trading activity that involves two foreign currencies from two different countries with the aim of being able to make a profit.

News 2022-09-13 08:15

Carry Trade Strategies and the Options of Currencies to Use

The carry trade strategy is maybe looked quite difficult and complex to do. However, actually it doesn’t like that as long as you understand the concept that it has.

News 2022-09-13 03:01

Week Ahead – Market Volatility to Speed Up? Date: September 12th – September 16th

Inflation has dominated the markets so far this year, with staggering Consumer Price Index figures being released all over the world. This week’s attention turns to the most volatile CPI release in the economic calendar this month, U.S CPI.

News 2022-09-12 16:17

Central Bank in Forex and How Much Influence does It Have

Traders are always checking every news or speech made by this central bank or its representatives. The example is for finding a clue whether this institution will raise or cut it’s interest rate

News 2022-09-12 08:05

Weekly News 2022/09/05-2022/09/09

Index / Stocks / Crypto / Metals / Commodity & Futures / Forex

News 2022-09-11 23:14

09/09 Market report

【Dow Jones】 【Euro】 【Gold】 【Crude Oil】

Review 2022-09-09 23:16

Mohicans markets:Follow Eurozone Central Bank Developments

Spot gold extended gains on Friday, September 9, testing its first upside target of 1727.34, with resistance at 1736.05. Spot silver’s primary resistance is at 19.32. WTI crude oil rallied briefly, watching for a challenge to first resistance at 85.16.

News 2022-09-09 17:50

Live Forex Account and When is the Right Time to Use It?

The aim is to learn how the system Works and use it as a way to make their skill better.

News 2022-09-09 16:02

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