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EA just liquidates your position

ResolvedEA just liquidates your position

EA just liquidates your position and does not reply. It is a fraud group. Do not deposit. It is a ponzi scheme

2022-08-29 18:31  Taiwan Taiwan
2022-08-29 18:31  Taiwan Taiwan


EA just liquidated

ResolvedEA just liquidated

This platform is a fraud group. Do not deposit. They open EA and liquidate your position. No reply from message. You will be scammed after deposit. Do not deposit. It is a scam.

2022-08-29 18:14  Taiwan Taiwan
2022-08-29 18:14  Taiwan Taiwan

Unable to withdraw



Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdrawUnable to withdraw

I can't transfer to NFT, and now they say that NFT has not been done. I have made profits three times, but I cannot withdraw money from the account. They say that the company has a new company to take over, and it is delaying time. All of these M,,P,, global P shoul be caught first, and three years at least.

2022-08-29 16:52 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-08-29 16:52 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



JRFX is a trash with shortsighted

Unable to withdrawJRFX is a trash with shortsighted

The accounts inside are all scammers I hope that people who see them will be more vigilant.

2022-08-29 16:00 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-08-29 16:00 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw




Unable to withdrawScammers

won't be silent while these people continue to murder others. After everything started meeting a Chinese lady online who played with my feelings and encouraged me to invest with SHD . I agreed to it and they took my $89,000 investment, but they lied that they never got it. It wasn't until the Austrac/ org intervention that this scam was stopped and investment was returned. Utilize caution With this fake broker SHD they aren’t what we think they are nothing but fraud

2022-08-29 15:41 United States United States
2022-08-29 15:41 United States United States

Unable to withdraw

Grand Signal Markets

Grand Signal Markets

Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdrawUnable to withdraw

After the money arrives at this company, they have many excuses when I want to withdraw money. They will say that my account is frozen, and I have to pay a 30% deposit to unlock the account. This is a scam company, I can't get my money back

2022-08-29 15:36 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-08-29 15:36 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



Please help the platform to withdraw.

Unable to withdrawPlease help the platform to withdraw.

Also ask the platform to help to withdraw. I just traded for a few months, and they won't allow withdrawal. The platform crashed overnight. Hope the platform can help

2022-08-29 15:11 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-08-29 15:11 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



It is another week, when will I be able to withdraw!

Unable to withdrawIt is another week, when will I be able to withdraw!

Damn SHD.... Refused to withdraw money, no one answers! Let's push it to the first place on the fraud platform together! Pay me back USD118,896.56 …

2022-08-29 14:55 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-08-29 14:55 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw




Unable to withdrawScammed

I have pressed withdraw money, but I don't want to withdraw if I have to pay tax. Do you want funds?

2022-08-29 14:38 Thailand Thailand
2022-08-29 14:38 Thailand Thailand

Unable to withdraw

FVP Trade

FVP Trade

Fvp can't withdraw. Save us please. Many of us are done

Unable to withdrawFvp can't withdraw. Save us please. Many of us are done

Save us please. Can't withdraw money. Fvp can't withdraw. Save us please. Many of us are done

2022-08-29 14:06 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-08-29 14:06 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



Unable to withdraw money, there are a lot of reasons for withdrawing money

Unable to withdrawUnable to withdraw money, there are a lot of reasons for withdrawing money

I have waited for a month to withdraw the money and it has not arrived yet. The customer service also said that the remittance will be charged an extra fee of more than 2,000 US dollars. This must be a scam, don’t fall into it

2022-08-29 13:34  Taiwan Taiwan
2022-08-29 13:34  Taiwan Taiwan

Unable to withdraw



The platform can't be opened, and the website can't be opened either.

Unable to withdrawThe platform can't be opened, and the website can't be opened either.

Customer service phone can't be reached. This is the first time I encountered such a platform, and no one handles the emails. I really don’t know how these platforms are online.

2022-08-29 11:53 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-08-29 11:53 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



FBS withdrawal has not been received for 3 months

Unable to withdrawFBS withdrawal has not been received for 3 months

I submit a withdrawal application on June 1, but I have not received the relevant funds so far. When I contact customer service, they keep saying that they have already remitted, so I should contact the bank myself.

2022-08-29 08:47 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-08-29 08:47 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



Unable to withdraw money, frozen account

Unable to withdrawUnable to withdraw money, frozen account

My trading account can only deposit money, not withdraw money! They want me to join VIP to withdraw money. Reward me $38888USD, transfer it to my trading account, and immediately ask me to pay $300000USD, I feel that this is a scam, and I don't have the funds, so I ask to withdraw and deduct $38888USD from my account! They disagreed and froze my account. I have communicated with customer service many times and asked me to transfer $38888USD from the bank. I think it is cheating. My trading account has enough balance to be deducted.

2022-08-29 08:31 Australia Australia
2022-08-29 08:31 Australia Australia

Unable to withdraw



Stored more than 2 million in order to receive rewards, but failed to withdraw!

Unable to withdrawStored more than 2 million in order to receive rewards, but failed to withdraw!

Because of mistrusting the recommendation of netizens, in order to receive the stored value reward, he was defrauded by the black platform Athenaplace of more than 2 million yuan. At the beginning, I met this netizen on IG. One day, I chatted with this netizen about investment. He mentioned that he was investing in international gold, and the income was not bad. He also invited me to join. After that, they taught me to download Binance, Athenaplace and MT5. Then take me to trade on Athenaplace, deposit funds through the online customer service staff of this platform, and then invest in MT5. Because I am completely unfamiliar with this field, whether it is the trading steps, data settings, and timing of entering and exiting the market, I follow the instructions of the other party. After the first small profit, there were applications for withdrawal, and indeed there were successful withdrawals, so there was no doubt in the follow-up. One day, this netizen asked me to ask the customer service. There is currently a deposit full reward event. The netizen suggested that I first participate in the $88,000 event to grab a spot. Because the threshold is too high, I was hesitant to participate. Later, netizens said that if it is really not enough, he can help some, and it is good to withdraw it and return it to him after reaching the standard. So I participated in the activity, and I applied for an extension because I could not reach it within the time limit. The platform said that I needed to pay a deposit of 10,000 US dollars (the netizens helped me pay) to continue the activity, and this deposit could not be counted in the deposit activity. In the end, I There was a shortfall of 7,000 US dollars, and netizens helped to make up for the event. The feedback was also deposited the next day, and two market transactions were made in the middle. Unexpectedly, the application for withdrawal on the evening of 8/22 kept waiting for review until noon on 8/22 when the review failed. Ask the customer service why the withdrawal was unsuccessful? It was said that my account was involved in third-party funds, which was a risk account and was suspected of money laundering. I was asked to add another $17,000 as a security deposit. It is not enough to ask the customer service if it can be deducted from the account. In short, the money is not given. In the end, he said that if I do not deal with it maliciously, I will be sued! I hope everyone will not be deceived again. Of course everyone wants to have the opportunity to make money, but this kind of malicious platform will really kill people, and I blame myself for being greedy!

2022-08-28 17:40  Taiwan Taiwan
2022-08-28 17:40  Taiwan Taiwan

Unable to withdraw



Help to withdraw

Unable to withdrawHelp to withdraw I am unable to withdraw my funds from this fraud platform The broker name not listed

2022-08-28 11:49 United Kingdom United Kingdom
2022-08-28 11:49 United Kingdom United Kingdom

Unable to withdraw



Cannot withdraw more than 10 million yen

Unable to withdrawCannot withdraw more than 10 million yen

I opened an account with an overseas forex exchange through a referral from a woman I met through a matching app, put in funds, and started trading. 15,510,572 yen), first, I was contacted to pay a service fee of 300,000 yen before the full withdrawal, so after transferring 300,000 yen, I passed the withdrawal review. I was relieved when I was informed that I had done so, but after that, I was told that withdrawals exceeding 10 million yen would constitute money laundering and that I would have to pay 500,000 yen as a security deposit. As expected, I thought it was strange, and I thought that they were using various excuses to prevent me from withdrawing money. I am unable to withdraw money and I am suffering very much, so I made it public. Amount of damage (account balance funds): 113,301.63 USD (total amount transferred to Japanese account: 700,000 yen)

2022-08-28 10:16 Japan Japan
2022-08-28 10:16 Japan Japan

Unable to withdraw



Impossible withdraw deposit

Unable to withdrawImpossible withdraw deposit

I want to tell you about the unscrupulous broker Jinkra. This is a scam platform that does not withdraw funds. After you deposit funds into the platform and try to withdraw a small amount, they withdraw to show that they are working well. But then when you have a small profit, they begin to demand a tax of 35% on profits and do not withdraw funds. I started trading further and my profit became negative -1706$, after that I received a letter from the platform that I was fined 3000usdt and threatened to block my account. Technical support is currently not responding to emails or live chat on the site. Help me get my money back.

2022-08-28 09:45 Russia Russia
2022-08-28 09:45 Russia Russia




It's been half a month since I applied for a withdrawal, but I haven't received my account.

ResolvedIt's been half a month since I applied for a withdrawal, but I haven't received my account.

Dear Mr./Ms. Chen Yanjuan, your email verification code for this withdrawal is [615902], please use it within 15 minutes. You are in the process of withdrawing funds, the details are as follows: MT Account: 614878

2022-08-28 08:09 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-08-28 08:09 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdrawUnable to withdraw

Forced join into the NFT and will not allow you to withdraw , and the B position has not been traded back to the B position for 3 months. No matter what, you will not be allowed to withdraw. It is a complete fraud.

2022-08-28 07:14 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-08-28 07:14 Hong Kong Hong Kong


Unable to withdraw

Severe Slippage



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Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdraw

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Severe Slippage





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