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MOKFX Global

MOKFX Global

Induce more and more fund by dating and trust

ScamInduce more and more fund by dating and trust

I met a man in online dating. First, I slowly built up trust and emotional foundation. Then, on the grounds of marriage funds, he said that his uncle was an expert in this field. He helped me make up for the rest. The first small withdrawal was received the next day, in exchange for trust in the platform. Later, several thousand US dollars were withdrawn after several days, and then the deposit was not given for various reasons. When I was about to withdraw funds a few days ago, I suddenly said that I was suspected of money laundering and asked to pay 20% of the third-party funds as the basis for review. Otherwise, my account would be frozen and I would not be able to withdraw funds or operate any more. Now I just want to get the funds I invested back... .

2022-08-25 22:07  Taiwan Taiwan
2022-08-25 22:07  Taiwan Taiwan

Unable to withdraw



My experience of being scammed for 900,000 yen!

Unable to withdrawMy experience of being scammed for 900,000 yen!

7.27 On my way to Fukuoka that day, when I passed by Okayama Prefecture, I accidentally saw a function added by someone nearby on WeChat, and then I went in and saw that someone added me as a friend. At the beginning, I kept thinking that it must be a Chinese living near Okayama, and I passed the WeChat friends without thinking too much. We didn't chat much on WeChat, and people took the initiative to add my line. A simple chat on the line led to a relationship and asked me what I was doing every day. Without much thought, he shared his life and travel experiences with her. We talked about our hobbies and hobbies and talked about the direction of our life. We said at the beginning that we had a destiny. Later, after I returned to Chiba after playing, I was told how to make money in a few days (that is, on the day of 8.4), and I was very confused at first, so I easily believed her. At first she taught me a lot of financial knowledge. Tell me step by step how to open the platform software (etrade) to make money. Then, when I found out that I was making more and more money, I slowly relaxed my vigilance. Then after a period of time, last Monday (8.15), I tried to withdraw the money, but it was frozen. I was told by the customer service that I had to pay some personal income tax (1747.67USDT) before unfreezing. On the day of 8.18, when I paid my personal income tax, I found that the funds had been frozen. When I withdraw to my Binance account again, although the withdrawal was successful on the platform, I took a look at Binance and re-checked the address originally entered. The result is still not credited to the account, but Binance has not yet credited the account. I asked the customer service and said that the funds fell, so I need to pay another 2000usdt. Really irritating. I tried all kinds of theories with her, but it didn't work. I had to admit that I was unlucky and paid for it. After waiting for 24 hours (that is, 8:00 pm on 8.19), I was told that the lost funds could not be found, so I had to pay another 2500usdt. This time, she was not used to her and the customer service. After discussing with her classmates and friends, she chose to call the police directly. When I called the police, I was told by the police that the evidence was insufficient, and I was asked to go back and prepare the information before going to the police. Then on August 22, I personally went to Tokyo to find a Chinese lawyer and recounted what happened. And show the evidence to the lawyer again. Under the persuasion of the lawyer, he successfully obtained the work card of the other party. It is still under investigation.

2022-08-25 18:30 Japan Japan
2022-08-25 18:30 Japan Japan

Unable to withdraw



ITGFX company is unable to withdraw and has fraud behaviour

Unable to withdrawITGFX company is unable to withdraw and has fraud behaviour

Unable to withdraw funds normally since April, the platform says that it was attacked by hackers, and need to repair data. In order to continue to deceive investors, it set up a account and said that the company invested 5 million US dollars to save the market. Said that the promise was fulfilled on August 26 and promised to give the principal of all investments. If we continue to cooperate and wait for the data to be repaired, we will divide the profit of each investor's account. Now it is approaching day by day. This kind of scum just pollutes the environment

2022-08-25 18:25 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-08-25 18:25 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw

MultiBank Group

MultiBank Group

MultiBank Group does not allow withdraw! The management treats Chinese like dirt

Unable to withdrawMultiBank Group does not allow withdraw! The management treats Chinese like dirt

My trading account in MultiBank Group is 33553121. They have been shirking and refusing to perform my withdrawal application since last year. During that period, my father suffered from sudden stroke, rescue, hospitalization, so we urgently needed money for treatment in ICU ward. I explained the situation to MultiBank Group and urged it to perform my withdrawal application. However, its leader just doesn't care about my father's life and muddled with emails. He struggled for 22 days since he was admitted to the ICU ward on June 3. Finally, we had to cut off the ventilator and had no choice but to give up the treatment because I could not afford the high ICU hospitalization fee. During this period, I contacted with MultiBank Group for several times, and its worker also made feedback to their foreign leaders about my situation. But, I've not gotten any message from it till now. MultiBank Group can't guarantee the fund safety of domestic clients, and the management disdained my father's life. I think this issue has been already upgraded to a nation level. I sincerely hope my countrymen and friends from the forex circle together to boycott MultiBank Group and its CEO, the scum of the financial world!

2022-08-25 17:03 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-08-25 17:03 Hong Kong Hong Kong




Unable to withdraw. Severe slippage. Induced fraud

ScamUnable to withdraw. Severe slippage. Induced fraud

Deception. It’s so abhorrent, it’s all hard-earned money. The fraud platform will not end well. Don’t let people be deceived again. Let people invest money and withdraw money for a lot of reasons, what teacher Hong Tianfeng. The black-hearted dog has not come out to face the solution since the end of last year. Don't let anyone be deceived by this platform and Hong Tianfeng.

2022-08-25 16:20  Taiwan Taiwan
2022-08-25 16:20  Taiwan Taiwan

Unable to withdraw



The platform is absconded

Unable to withdrawThe platform is absconded

Fraud platform that cannot withdraw nor contact the customer service. They have absconded.

2022-08-25 16:14 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-08-25 16:14 Hong Kong Hong Kong


Bullet Global

Bullet Global

they are a scammer, be careful not to fall victim

Resolvedthey are a scammer, be careful not to fall victim

when trading suddenly the chart drops drastically, and when you realize the balance is a minus, it's no longer zero

2022-08-25 15:40 Indonesia Indonesia
2022-08-25 15:40 Indonesia Indonesia

Unable to withdraw



Damn, scam platform GSM

Unable to withdrawDamn, scam platform GSM

This platform defrauded me of my hard-earned money, the withdrawal cannot be withdrawn, the customer service does not respond, this platform should not be allowed to continue to operate, it's too shameless, please return the money to me. Don't trust GSM anymore, please let this matter be exposed, no more victims

2022-08-25 14:12 Malaysia Malaysia
2022-08-25 14:12 Malaysia Malaysia

Unable to withdraw



Withdrawal is delayed and has not arrived for nine working days.

Unable to withdrawWithdrawal is delayed and has not arrived for nine working days.

The withdrawal submitted on August 16 has not yet arrived in the account. Contacting customer service has always been an official words, and will not solve the problem! No reply to emails.

2022-08-25 11:45 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-08-25 11:45 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



No withdrawals since the end of April

Unable to withdrawNo withdrawals since the end of April

Various groups were deleted before, let us withdraw money by ourselves, but now we can't contact Big P

2022-08-25 11:13 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-08-25 11:13 Hong Kong Hong Kong


Bullet Global

Bullet Global



On Aug. 23 2022, this broker gave the wrong signal and made all traders lose big. stay away from this broker because this is a scam broker.

2022-08-25 09:29 Indonesia Indonesia
2022-08-25 09:29 Indonesia Indonesia

Unable to withdraw

Wintersnow Limited

Wintersnow Limited



I have tried to invest big amount of money with this broker. In the first month, it was very successful, but after a few months, it is almost impossible to close some normal trade. It is really similar to casino. They are able to take all your money and just tell you with an excuse. Customer service is not able to respond properly till AssetsClaimback, took up my case and reassure restoration.

2022-08-25 08:51 Germany Germany
2022-08-25 08:51 Germany Germany

Unable to withdraw




Unable to withdrawfraud

Using the latest Cyber tools, open source intelligence (OSINT),cyber investigation and triangulation by Assetsclaimback Advisory Make withdraw accessible, First GSM excuses about documents then once you do that its the banks and processing times in the mean while they are sending emails 9f "account upgrades" NO CONTACT NUMBER! stay far away from this SCAM

2022-08-25 08:36 United States United States
2022-08-25 08:36 United States United States


PU Prime

PU Prime

No profits will be given, intentionally lower prices, intentional liquidation

OthersNo profits will be given, intentionally lower prices, intentional liquidation

The price was deliberately lower than the price, and the profit was not given. The difference was 30 pips with other foreign exchange brokers. As a result, the spread was increased by 20 pips, and my order was liquidated. This is a bad behavior and kills investors.

2022-08-25 07:53  Taiwan Taiwan
2022-08-25 07:53  Taiwan Taiwan

Unable to withdraw



Company name not listed (

Unable to withdrawCompany name not listed (

I invested 5045 USTD in platform called Onbuy , it is a scam and clone website, i tried to withdraw my funds but the asked to pay unfreezing fees to resign which i didn’t as it is suspected fraud.

2022-08-25 07:30 United Kingdom United Kingdom
2022-08-25 07:30 United Kingdom United Kingdom

Unable to withdraw

 CM Trading

CM Trading

Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdrawUnable to withdraw

I deposited money to numerous account, what is shocking me is that they telling me that they can't transfer my profit because I got insufficient balance in my account, to my surprise, how they know that? I gave them my account to deposit money into it also they wanted my email address which I gave them, now they telling me to deposit into my account another R500 so that my profit could reflect, how is that possible? I already deposited R2000 into 3 separate account. Kindly explain and help me in this regard

2022-08-25 00:12 South Africa South Africa
2022-08-25 00:12 South Africa South Africa

Unable to withdraw




Unable to withdrawScammed

Invested with person Doris from NSBroker.. did maintanance comp now Fendatrade. Asked me to pay fees bitcoin to ZAR , Income tax, brokerage fee, wirex transfer fee..CEO Maria Cardone and Doris promised me payout after every payment! Nothing yet!! Paid into LUNO Standard Bank acc. Comp and Alisia Ivan from Global bank asked me to pay $6500 wirex transfer card fee payment before payout but don't trust them! Think they scamming me!

2022-08-24 16:45 South Africa South Africa
2022-08-24 16:45 South Africa South Africa

Unable to withdraw



Unable withdraw money? Am I being scammed?

Unable to withdrawUnable withdraw money? Am I being scammed?

I was introduced to MT5 by an acquaintance and traded at GSM Securities and made a profit, so I thought about withdrawing money, but I was told that a security deposit was required, and I paid 7228 usd, but the money was not transferred.There are other people who are also playing MT5, but I was told that I would not pay the deposit, is this a scam?

2022-08-24 16:23 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-08-24 16:23 Hong Kong Hong Kong


Spring FX Markets

Spring FX Markets



I am invested with with $150 my profits were $8300 I made withdrawal I says still pending then got an email saying I need to pay R6500 for the verification fees so I can withdraw I need help

2022-08-24 15:37 South Africa South Africa
2022-08-24 15:37 South Africa South Africa


Bullet Global

Bullet Global

it's totally scam project

Scamit's totally scam project

last Night they give totally wrong signal and looted all money don't do invest all are fake they looted your money in 1-2 month when will you be loss then they said that they give mistakely wrong signal

2022-08-24 13:36 India India
2022-08-24 13:36 India India


Unable to withdraw

Severe Slippage



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Severe Slippage





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