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Unable to withdraw

New Zealand Visions Build

New Zealand Visions Build

Romance scam. Everyone do not be deceived

Unable to withdrawRomance scam. Everyone do not be deceived

The fake mt5 software, the trend chart is controlled by yourself, induces you to recharge and makes you lose money, and then someone in the group kindly helps you operate, and finally the account is abnormal in different places to fool you to continue to recharge and unlock. After unlocking, you can't withdraw cash. You are asked to recharge money to verify your account, and then recharge money to pay tax. Step by step, the fraud has been dealt with by the police.

2022-09-18 20:10 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-18 20:10 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw

New Zealand Visions Build

New Zealand Visions Build

Xu Youcheng, Chang Chi, and Li Yong were liars on Jian Chat

Unable to withdrawXu Youcheng, Chang Chi, and Li Yong were liars on Jian Chat

Do we just let the liar continue to lie to people, and there is no way to stop them? Ziteng the world, Wan Xiaoyao, Yu, we are the same group of deceived, I remember the names of your Jane chat, you all called the police! There is no way to hope that the police will solve the case as soon as possible!

2022-09-18 19:41 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-18 19:41 Hong Kong Hong Kong




Unable to withdraw

ResolvedUnable to withdraw

Ask you to pay personal income tax, but still do not withdraw after that. Then, they ask for margin and a10% of the account balance will be deducted daily as liquidated damages until the balance is deducted.

2022-09-18 19:20 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-18 19:20 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw

New Zealand Visions Build

New Zealand Visions Build

There is no free meal

Unable to withdrawThere is no free meal

Do not have any hope. Take it as a lession. I was deceived so hard

2022-09-18 19:19 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-18 19:19 Hong Kong Hong Kong




SHENGHUI company does not exist now. It was able to escape.

ScamSHENGHUI company does not exist now. It was able to escape.

The company name has changed and I can't even log in. Worst company ever. run away with money.

2022-09-18 18:55 Japan Japan
2022-09-18 18:55 Japan Japan

Severe Slippage

New Zealand Visions Build

New Zealand Visions Build

Seems hopeless, no regulation

Severe SlippageSeems hopeless, no regulation

Between 5th and 15th of September, 2022, I was deceived by teachers Li Yong, Xu Youcheng, Chang Xiaosa, and customer service manager Jin, and continuously transferred and deposited 50,000 yuan. So far, I have not been able to withdraw funds. There is no news of the fraud gang! My Jianchao account was blocked, and Ruliu’s account was also blocked! Become helpless all of a sudden! Calling Tiantian should not be called earthly not working! I called the police, but it didn't work! Who will help me get my hard-earned money back! thank you all! ! ! Everyone, stop thinking about someone taking you to achieve financial freedom! They're all here to rob you of your hard-earned money! My Meta Trader 5 account is, 688484 name, Li Zhensheng

2022-09-18 18:14 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-18 18:14 Hong Kong Hong Kong


New Zealand Visions Build

New Zealand Visions Build

Everyone must have been deceived. I was deceived in the last batch. I called the police on June 27.

ScamEveryone must have been deceived. I was deceived in the last batch. I called the police on June 27.

We were deceived in the previous stage. Your brief chat is our comment. Your New Zealand Visions Build platform is our inception commercial platform. The last time it was called Li Dongyang, this time it is Xu Youcheng.

2022-09-18 16:58 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-18 16:58 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Severe Slippage



Serious slippage. Do not address it or compensate. Must expose it

Severe SlippageSerious slippage. Do not address it or compensate. Must expose it

Serious slippage. Do not address it or compensate.

2022-09-18 14:53 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-18 14:53 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw

zhh global

zhh global

This platform is still working which is unreasonable

Unable to withdrawThis platform is still working which is unreasonable

At the beginning, I made $15,000 dollars in one night from 500. The next day, the platform will find a reason to ban the account, what to do with wool, etc., or if the holding time is not enough, is it a fool to not close the position after making money? The pit can't be pitted any more. I have tried it. If the position is closed within 1 minute and loses money, the platform will never ask you to tell you that you are digging wool and trading illegally. Because you lost, lol

2022-09-18 14:53 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-18 14:53 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



Now all the money cannot be withdrawn for various reasons, and ask for tax. Then it said that you need to be converted into an official user before you can withdraw money.

Unable to withdrawNow all the money cannot be withdrawn for various reasons, and ask for tax. Then it said that you need to be converted into an official user before you can withdraw money.

The picture below can explain everything, that is, you can only withdraw money by depositing money,

2022-09-18 11:51 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-18 11:51 Hong Kong Hong Kong




Emotional liar

ScamEmotional liar

Use QQ to add your friend, chat to gain trust, and take you to make money, and speculate foreign currency. The first time I said that I would not let you invest more to get familiar with it, and invest a few thousand dollars less. In ten minutes, I will let you transfer 1/3. Next time Saying that I will take you to make more money, invest tens of thousands, and once you earn hundreds of thousands, you will be asked to pay taxes before you can withdraw money. If you pay the tax and cannot withdraw it, you will be transferred to an official user and then pay the money. It’s all a liar. Don’t be fooled.

2022-09-18 11:32 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-18 11:32 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



Financial China can't withdraw money, fraud 450,000 has been filed

Unable to withdrawFinancial China can't withdraw money, fraud 450,000 has been filed

2022-09-18 09:18 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-18 09:18 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



The server is closed and the website cannot be accessed

Unable to withdrawThe server is closed and the website cannot be accessed

After the evening of September 13, the broker's website cannot be opened, and the its mailbox is also fake

2022-09-17 18:16 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-17 18:16 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



Fraud platform SHD

Unable to withdrawFraud platform SHD

Fraud platform SHD is unable to withdraw

2022-09-17 17:44 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-17 17:44 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



International Fraud Group

Unable to withdrawInternational Fraud Group

Xu Youcheng, Chang Xiaosa, Zhao Peng, An Zhiruosu, and Miss Jin deceived people to deposit on MT5, and then locked their positions and could not withdraw

2022-09-17 15:50 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-17 15:50 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw

New Zealand Visions Build

New Zealand Visions Build

Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdrawUnable to withdraw

Keep asking you to deposit and deceive you. Do not trust it.

2022-09-17 15:25 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-17 15:25 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



Cannot withdraw after deposit and require margin

Unable to withdrawCannot withdraw after deposit and require margin

I met an unknown man on ig, first cared about your work, your mood, and asked money-related questions, said that you can take me for extra income, and even sent me a photo to make me believe that he can take out the follow-up fee smoothly when he first made a deposit. When I took it out, I kept asking for a margin. I tried to make me keep adding funds. Now it says that a private equity firm has entered the market to disrupt the market. I suspect that I am also an insider of the private equity firm. I have been asked to give a 20% margin of the withdrawal amount. can come back

2022-09-17 14:59  Taiwan Taiwan
2022-09-17 14:59  Taiwan Taiwan

Unable to withdraw

New Zealand Visions Build

New Zealand Visions Build

Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdrawUnable to withdraw

Step by step, the remittance will not be able to be withdrawn to the account, and it will be deducted from the transaction software.

2022-09-17 14:56 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-17 14:56 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw

New Zealand Visions Build

New Zealand Visions Build

Unable to withdraw. Romance scam

Unable to withdrawUnable to withdraw. Romance scam

They help you to earn profit at first, then, they do not allow you to close the position and ask you to deposit to unlock it. Deny your withdrawal by make-up reason and ask you to deposit again.

2022-09-17 10:33 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-17 10:33 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw

New Zealand Visions Build

New Zealand Visions Build

deliberate operation

Unable to withdrawdeliberate operation

Unable to withdraw, deliberately operated. The scam group committed crimes by Xu Youcheng, Zhang Hongye and other ten people

2022-09-17 10:01 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-17 10:01 Hong Kong Hong Kong


Unable to withdraw

Severe Slippage



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Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Severe Slippage

Severe Slippage





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Hong Kong
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