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Boney Market

Boney Market

Non refund

ScamNon refund

hi this company keep asking to put more money and I was not able to withdraw at end. read my profile to get help on getting back your lost money.

2022-09-04 14:08 Turkey Turkey
2022-09-04 14:08 Turkey Turkey

Unable to withdraw



bad experience

Unable to withdrawbad experience

look profile. look the photos It's a fradulent platform, all they want you t o do is put in more money, which at the end you get nothing, am a victim, they also.let b ots run trades for you without your consent just to manipulate your funds.

2022-09-04 13:51 Turkey Turkey
2022-09-04 13:51 Turkey Turkey




click farming fraud

Resolvedclick farming fraud

In April, I just opened an account in less than a month, and the funds were 600,000 yuan, and I was liquidated. They said that the teacher lead the order, and I was deceived. I didn’t have time to manage it some time ago. Now I hear from friends that this is illegal in the mainland.

2022-09-04 13:38 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-04 13:38 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



Cannot withdraw for more than a month

Unable to withdrawCannot withdraw for more than a month

There must be a problem with the platform. Ask the platform customer service what the hacker attack has passed for a month and the withdrawal has not been resolved. Must be procrastinating

2022-09-04 13:34 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-04 13:34 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw

Wintersnow Limited

Wintersnow Limited

No withdrawal

Unable to withdrawNo withdrawal

The post I made in late August has disappeared, so I'm reposting it. I have $461 left in my account, so when I try to enter my huobi withdrawal address, it fails. please help me. Thanking you in advance.

2022-09-04 08:30 Japan Japan
2022-09-04 08:30 Japan Japan


Beefy Coin Limited

Beefy Coin Limited

Fake Broker

ScamFake Broker

I invested with Beefy Coin and they are a scam. Their customer support is always “busy”. They have not responded to any emails. They stole the $1000 I tried to withdraw. They locked me out of my account with over $38,000. Do not send them any money.

2022-09-04 05:45 United States United States
2022-09-04 05:45 United States United States

Unable to withdraw



Lesson learnt from this failed scam

Unable to withdrawLesson learnt from this failed scam

Even if you try trading short-term, which is extremely manipulative, you will find yourself to blame once you have entered the trade with Montongfx. A stop loss at of no where will be implemented if the asset reaches a specified distance from the target, whether or not it hits the stop loss price, and all long-term transactions are closed out if you are earning a big profit. i cyber networking with Assetsclaimback. com, which passed investment law policy, they held my money hostage until that happened be careful most of this invesiment platform are scam, their digital fingerprints will soon be exposed.

2022-09-04 00:10 United States United States
2022-09-04 00:10 United States United States

Unable to withdraw



The withdrawal bank card is frozen and cannot be withdrawn

Unable to withdrawThe withdrawal bank card is frozen and cannot be withdrawn

The withdrawal bank card is frozen and cannot be withdrawn. The customer service has not given a solution.

2022-09-03 18:16 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-03 18:16 Hong Kong Hong Kong






A stranger privately chatted with me on Weibo, chatted with me, and brought me to know a teacher with rich experience. The teacher has a strong ability to lead orders, but he asked to go to mt5 to play, and he will bring practical courses for free. He will teach you ether points during live broadcast , but it takes you gold in actual combat, why? Because many people have never been in contact with gold, you must come to this platform if you want to play. You will gain money after you deposit, so you are greedy, and you want to earn more by depositing money. Suddenly one day the teacher's strength declines, causing you to liquidate your position. At this time, you regret it. ,late. Because mt5 can operate in the background to skyrocket or plummet, so if you encounter this situation, be cautious

2022-09-03 16:01 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-03 16:01 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



Unable to withdraw funds, frozen account

Unable to withdrawUnable to withdraw funds, frozen account

I can only enter the funds, not withdraw them, ask me to join the VIP, reward $38888 into my account, and then ask me to transfer another $300000! This is a trap scam! I asked to withdraw, deducted the reward $38888, they didn't agree, froze my account! I have more than 4 million dollars in my account!

2022-09-03 14:04 Australia Australia
2022-09-03 14:04 Australia Australia

Unable to withdraw

winterSnow Forex

winterSnow Forex

False investment plan

Unable to withdrawFalse investment plan

When i asked that the money be withdrawn from my wintersnow Fx account, the advisor refused and locked me out

2022-09-03 14:00 Canada Canada
2022-09-03 14:00 Canada Canada

Unable to withdraw




Unable to withdrawunbelievable

Unable to withdraw,they are scammers, all they want you to do is deposit in more money

2022-09-03 13:57 Turkey Turkey
2022-09-03 13:57 Turkey Turkey

Unable to withdraw

Beefy Coin Limited

Beefy Coin Limited

Beefy Coin Ltd locked my account. Can’t withdraw.

Unable to withdrawBeefy Coin Ltd locked my account. Can’t withdraw.

I became suspicious of Beefy Coin Ltd being a scam and attempted to withdraw $1000 2 weeks ago. As soon as I withdrew the money Beefy Coin locked me out of my account. I emailed their service address 6 times and no one responded. I called their phone number 8 times and the calls go unanswered. I am enclosing my statement showing I should have a balance of $38,661 including the $1000 they deducted, but NEVER transferred it to my Coinbase account. I want my funds returned in whole to me.

2022-09-03 03:55 United States United States
2022-09-03 03:55 United States United States

Unable to withdraw



I have a profit, but I can't withdraw

Unable to withdrawI have a profit, but I can't withdraw

I was told that if I made a deposit and made a profit, I could not withdraw unless I paid money to withdraw.

2022-09-03 03:16 Japan Japan
2022-09-03 03:16 Japan Japan

Unable to withdraw



it's a SCAM and I am unable to withdraw my money.

Unable to withdrawit's a SCAM and I am unable to withdraw my money.

Hi, I received a message from a Chinese Girl; she begins getting cordial with me. In something like a month, she begins pushing me to put resources into a Website She said her dad is in this Association and she can share inside data and get me an arrival of over 100 percent. At first, I expressed no to her and told her this is inside exchanging and unlawful in many regions of the planet. She expressed no here in China it is entirely legitimate and again pushed me to contribute min. 2000 USD. Without a doubt in 7 days, this 2000 USD become 4000 USD yet in their servers. In 3 days she again begins pushing me to contribute more and she guarantees me that I will get an arrival of 200%. I said no and ask let me pull out some cash yet she said no ought to contribute more as her uncle will resign in a couple of days, I contributed around 2500 USD once more and afterward they provided me with one more return of 150% on this sum and my pay will become around 9000 USD(as they gave me some on my prior 4000 USD). This time I attempted to pull a few cash from the record and here they begin making inconvenience and asking me for 2000 USD for my KYC. I gave another 2000 USD and presently it's just about 11000 USD in my Yabo account. Indeed, even after this KYC they again didn't permit me to pull back my cash and requesting to pay an expense of 3000 USD as a Tax. These gentlemen are cheats and use ladies as their deals specialists. I'm wanting to send off an objection against them with the Cybercrime cell so their site and server shouldn't work here in India and individuals ought not be in a difficult situation like me.

2022-09-03 01:30 India India
2022-09-03 01:30 India India

Unable to withdraw



Difficulty in withdrawing

Unable to withdrawDifficulty in withdrawing

They induced me to recharge the account with new deposit and led me to make profit, last month they notified me that a handling fee was required to continue so i asked to withdraw instead but they blocked my account.

2022-09-02 23:35 Canada Canada
2022-09-02 23:35 Canada Canada

Unable to withdraw



Account was frozen

Unable to withdrawAccount was frozen

I made a large investment in MT5, but when I withdraw, I was told that I need to deposit 20% income tax first.I made half of the deposit, but the account was frozen because I could not withdraw. When I asked the customer representative if I could withdraw even just the amount of the tax that I had deposited, my MT 5 account was frozen because I couldn't withdraw.

2022-09-02 22:10 Japan Japan
2022-09-02 22:10 Japan Japan

Unable to withdraw

Fake Decode Global

Fake Decode Global

DECODEFX does not withdraw funds due to various problems and requires payment of fees

Unable to withdrawDECODEFX does not withdraw funds due to various problems and requires payment of fees

I have been asked to pay various fees, from VIP upgrade, unfreezing gold, risk money, confirmation money after applying for withdrawal, four places to borrow money before and after the investment of more than 35,000 U.S. dollars, and also repeatedly confirmed with the platform to pay the confirmation money, if any further loss of problems, the company and the money market will be responsible for the full responsibility, customer service response has been with the company The customer service responded that they had repeatedly confirmed with the company that there would be no more problems and guaranteed that the money market was frozen because the remittance from the bank was not supported by the tax certificate, and they had to pay a security deposit of 250,000 NT. The customer service said they are Decode Global Taiwan and Hong Kong agent service platform. Customer service line ID: decodefx886 black platform URL:

2022-09-02 14:49  Taiwan Taiwan
2022-09-02 14:49  Taiwan Taiwan

Unable to withdraw



unable to

Unable to withdrawunable to

this firm will cooperate with you when you want to withdraw your money, and everything will seem to be going well. All of your money will be stolen, Do not believe. Furthermore, interference with the AssetsClaimBack advisory rendered investments untouchable highly unprofessional i doubt they are in hobbling where they claim to be . Never trust anyone, especially if they guarantee you the highest possible profit it’s likely a scam

2022-09-02 14:48 United Kingdom United Kingdom
2022-09-02 14:48 United Kingdom United Kingdom


winterSnow Forex

winterSnow Forex



Unreliable platform, i almost fell for their deceit i couldn’t withdraw for weeks not until recently. I had to do thorough research making me realize i am not the only one this fake firm have scammed would have lost $95,000 permanently,

2022-09-02 14:26 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-02 14:26 Hong Kong Hong Kong


Unable to withdraw

Severe Slippage



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Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Severe Slippage

Severe Slippage





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