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Unable to withdraw



The exchange does not allow withdrawals

Unable to withdrawThe exchange does not allow withdrawals

exchange k for withdrawal, ib staff instructed to liquidate the order to request processing and return money. I joined the exchange from February but until March the exchange did not allow withdrawals, liquidated my account

2022-09-07 13:33 Vietnam Vietnam
2022-09-07 13:33 Vietnam Vietnam

Unable to withdraw

MultiBank Group

MultiBank Group

Please assist Chinese customers of Multibank Financial to withdraw

Unable to withdrawPlease assist Chinese customers of Multibank Financial to withdraw

I am a 7-year-old user of MultiBank. The transaction account number is 88808287: the withdrawal amount is 18,000USD. I have experienced the situation of no withdrawal for about half a year and then resumed the withdrawal. This time, please help me directly contact the overseas Dubai office and help me withdraw as soon as possible. MultiBank is still operating normally overseas to withdraw funds. Only China is subject to policy control

2022-09-07 09:47 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-07 09:47 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



Withdrawal did not arrive

Unable to withdrawWithdrawal did not arrive

I have withdrawn USD 4,213 from my account on the Alfari platform in 2022, and it has not yet been received. After contacting the platform, I have been told that they are checking it. I hope the Alfari platform will implement it soon

2022-09-07 09:06 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-07 09:06 Hong Kong Hong Kong




Come to my loss

ResolvedCome to my loss

The company closed my deals for me. The deals were losing a lot. They worried the deals automatically without my knowledge, which caused great damage to my account. I will attach pictures to prove that

2022-09-07 01:59 Iraq Iraq
2022-09-07 01:59 Iraq Iraq


Helius Capital

Helius Capital

Pay close attention to attachments

ScamPay close attention to attachments

Fraudulent organization that never allows withdrawals but just wants more deposit. When you don't pay, your account will be frozen as shown below.

2022-09-07 01:05 United States United States
2022-09-07 01:05 United States United States

Unable to withdraw

Velos Technology

Velos Technology


Unable to withdrawBE CAREFUL

words alone can’t express how heartbroken I was with the experience I had with this company, they hold your deposit and profits, expecting you to deposit more, don’t try it, taking a very close at my profile and name aided it al.

2022-09-06 19:06 Turkey Turkey
2022-09-06 19:06 Turkey Turkey

Unable to withdraw

Athenaplace Finance Ltd

Athenaplace Finance Ltd

Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdrawUnable to withdraw

It is impossible to withdraw money after completing the bonus task. Because the risk control department has detected that your account is currently involved with third-party funds, one of which is 13550.2 USDT. The Administration's "Catalogue of Main Regulations on Current Effective Foreign Exchange Management" stipulates that the personal funds security item requires you to pay a total of 13550.2 USDT of third-party intervention funds.

2022-09-06 15:44  Taiwan Taiwan
2022-09-06 15:44  Taiwan Taiwan




Fake FXCM platform

OthersFake FXCM platform

He said he wanted to take me to make money. When I wanted to withdraw money, he said that he had to pay tax. Later, he said that I had to make up USDT for the exchange rate difference. After making up, he said that it would be credited to my bank account within 15 minutes. Then, he said that my account was frequently withdrawn and I had to pay risk control margin, the finance department will transfer the Taiwan dollar to my bank card

2022-09-06 15:32  Taiwan Taiwan
2022-09-06 15:32  Taiwan Taiwan

Unable to withdraw



Withdrawal had to be forced

Unable to withdrawWithdrawal had to be forced

My demand to withdraw made the staff from SHANGQUAN stop replying me adequately, they just tell me they're checking their system but to make another deposit while i wait. I waited 2 months with no solution which is why i made out grievances with proof below, got money out of SHANGQUAN because It would have been difficult to lose $70,000 to a sham investment platform

2022-09-06 14:10 United States United States
2022-09-06 14:10 United States United States

Unable to withdraw

Pandora Finance Co., Limited

Pandora Finance Co., Limited

Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdrawUnable to withdraw

From the time he wanted to bring me to make money, I had a small profit at the beginning. He taught me how to operate. After that, he asked me to participate in the profit-making treasure activity. I wanted to deposit 58,000 USDT. He also helped me to deposit 43,000 USDT first, and the rest was not enough. If it is not completed, it will not be possible to withdraw funds, and the account will be frozen.

2022-09-06 14:04  Taiwan Taiwan
2022-09-06 14:04  Taiwan Taiwan

Unable to withdraw



Anniversary event induces deposits but does not give out money

Unable to withdrawAnniversary event induces deposits but does not give out money

After a friend introduced the platform, it was normal at the beginning, and then there was an anniversary event. After being abducted by a friend, I was deceived into making a deposit. At the end of the event, the deposit did not meet the standard and I could not enjoy the discount. The regulations force you to complete the deposit standard, and now I don't know what to do

2022-09-06 13:31  Taiwan Taiwan
2022-09-06 13:31  Taiwan Taiwan

Unable to withdraw



Can't withdraw money from Rosystyle Wealth platform

Unable to withdrawCan't withdraw money from Rosystyle Wealth platform

Nguyen Van Du Id: 2026713, staff guide Phuong Hang, invites investors to open a trading account in the market, initially given a $1,000 voucher for experience trading, after a period of experience with Phuong Hang staff. Keep calling to ask for capital and ensure monthly trading profits from 20%-50%, and be added to financial management learning groups with someone to explain questions and introduce the platform as well as how Trading methods and methods of depositing and withdrawing, the promotions that few exchanges bring. After a period of experience trading, I deposited $1000 on February 25th and $1000 on February 28th and the first time the transaction was profitable, I was still able to withdraw to my normal bank account and make me have trust in the platform. After that, Phuong Hang staff announced that there will be a consistent transaction on March 11th, the profit of 1 transaction will be from 20%-30% depending on the amount in the account and the account must have at least 5000 usd, on 8/3 I deposit 2000$, on 9/3 I deposit 1000$ to participate in consistent trading. After entering the capital, Phuong Hang's subjects again used the reason that the capital was low, so the account was burned and constantly urged me to add more money to save the account, on March 16, I added $ 1000 to the account. I hope to end the transaction, I will be able to withdraw the money as directed by the subject Hang, but so far I have not been able to withdraw the money. Hope you guys can help me deal with it

2022-09-06 12:22 Vietnam Vietnam
2022-09-06 12:22 Vietnam Vietnam

Unable to withdraw



Offical website cannot be opened since last week. Cannot enter the website or withdraw

Unable to withdrawOffical website cannot be opened since last week. Cannot enter the website or withdraw

Offical website cannot be opened since last week. Cannot enter the website or withdraw

2022-09-06 10:15 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-06 10:15 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw

MultiBank Group

MultiBank Group

No withdrawal for a year. Scam company

Unable to withdrawNo withdrawal for a year. Scam company

Withdrew in October 2021, but no updates till now. All I got are lies. MultiBank is shameless liar. Scam compnay. Stay away.

2022-09-06 08:01 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-06 08:01 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



I applied for a withdrawal on August 17, 2022. Today is September 6, 2022 and it has not yet been received

Unable to withdrawI applied for a withdrawal on August 17, 2022. Today is September 6, 2022 and it has not yet been received

On August 17, the payment was made and it was not received for a week. I contacted the customer service and said that I would provide the bank card flow. I immediately sent them the bank card flow. I waited patiently for a week before the account arrived. I re-provided the running water and I sent it to them immediately. After waiting for a week, I contacted customer service and they did not reply. I promised that the account would arrive on the 5th to deceive the Chinese. I hope Chinese people will not be fooled.

2022-09-06 07:24 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-06 07:24 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Severe Slippage

Velos Technology

Velos Technology


Severe Slippagedefraud

I traded on this platform. I have recorded the screenshots of their data sliding points. The following is a screenshot of my comparison between their platform and regular MT5 data.

2022-09-06 03:50 Thailand Thailand
2022-09-06 03:50 Thailand Thailand


winterSnow Forex

winterSnow Forex



There is no way I will let these individuals to pillage any more people when it all started on Tinder and toyed with my emotions. They accepted my $125,000 payment via USDT from Coinbase, but they insisted that it had never shown on their end. , I was unable to confirm whether they had actually received the payment. Do not trust this firmi Wintersnow since they are not what they claim to be they are manipulative and fraud they couldn’t defraud me.

2022-09-06 02:34 United States United States
2022-09-06 02:34 United States United States

Unable to withdraw

winterSnow Forex

winterSnow Forex

stolen investment restored

Unable to withdrawstolen investment restored

The account manager was ruthless, he took money from me a couple of times all in the name of investment but refused to release any of it back to me. It's a shame to see that a company like wintersnowFx that is capable of making profitable trades has decided to steal from it's investors

2022-09-06 00:48 United States United States
2022-09-06 00:48 United States United States

Unable to withdraw



TR Forex,

Unable to withdrawTR Forex,

It has been more than two months, and I can't withdraw the money. I asked the regulatory authorities for help.

2022-09-06 00:12 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-06 00:12 Hong Kong Hong Kong




Emotional fraud, unable to withdraw

ScamEmotional fraud, unable to withdraw

I met a guy online who claimed to be living in Hong Kong and currently runs a company. After chatting for a few days, he knew that I wanted to get more money, and gradually mentioned that he had virtual currency investments in the foreign exchange market. And he is willing to teach me to invest together. During this period, he also began to pursue me, weaving together to make money, working hard for the future, and creating a better life. He will also send work photos, report whereabouts, and make him real during the call. in life. The chat started with gossip and sharing his photos. to lower my guard. soon. He told me to trade in a small amount of money together. Teach me to install MT5. Teach me to open an account and choose an ExtendCap broker in Nepal. Soon I can make money from the transaction and I can successfully withdraw. There will be a deal later. Ask me how much money I have. I didn't believe it at first. Follow him to break my guard. Offered a first-in 200,000 to me. Plus all my own money was deposited into this brokerage. The deal was very profitable at the time. Then he told me that I asked customer service if there is any bonus for new customer deposits. The customer service gave me the details of the event. I thought the amount deposited on the day would be counted. But it turned out not to be. The pre-deposited amount for participating in the event must be additionally deposited before the withdrawal can be made. I still trust him with this guidance. Keep raising money. But so far I have not been able to borrow so much money. The amount is too large. There is a lot of money in the current account. I must deposit enough money before I can withdraw. The way of depositing money is very different. Didn't wake up at first. Deposits are made to different private bank accounts. He also taught how to trade step by step. At first, there was only a small investment, and then there was income, which made me feel incredible and doubtful. In order to gain my trust and determination, he expressed his willingness to donate 24,000 USDT. With each income gradually increased, He asked me to invest more and more funds, so I invested a total of 37,400USDT one after another, until I had no more funds to invest, he again proposed to fund 20,000USDT, and I also had to raise more funds. At this time, I suddenly I felt bad, so I started talking to my friends. My friends said it was similar to a pig slaughtering dish. I was really worried. I had all the money I had borrowed, and I had loans. It was so sad... I really remind you to pay attention and be careful!

2022-09-05 23:25 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-05 23:25 Hong Kong Hong Kong


Unable to withdraw

Severe Slippage



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Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Severe Slippage

Severe Slippage





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