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Strong Global Agent Evil Act Revised exposure content and title

OthersStrong Global Agent Evil Act Revised exposure content and title

Re-exposing the content of the first exposure of Jianshi Global The first exposure content was modified by them to prove that the agent's client made deposits. The superior agent arbitrarily reduced the conditions. The commission did not return to the official website of the firm. The agent opens an account and deposits money, and the later commission will not be returned directly for many months.

2022-09-12 15:51 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-12 15:51 Hong Kong Hong Kong




New Robust Universal Condones Agent's Evil

ScamNew Robust Universal Condones Agent's Evil

Xinqiang Global takes the reputation of Hong Kong Global, and conducts business in the mainland. Strong agent bought a Hong Kong mobile phone number for registration on WeChat, attracting agents to open customers with high conditions. Strong Global, Jiujiu Foreign Exchange, Anshi International, and Xulong International build data terminals for the same group of people to develop agents, and will not directly return commissions in the later stage. If the official website customer service complains, the official website customer service directly closes the chat terminal of the person, and the superior agent has deleted all the Contact information, here to expose the evil deeds of the new solid global agent,

2022-09-12 13:36 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-12 13:36 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw

Oranco Group

Oranco Group

Oranco is a liar that does not allow to withdraw

Unable to withdrawOranco is a liar that does not allow to withdraw

See attachment. They keep scamming. Do not use this platform. You will be harmed if you use it.

2022-09-12 13:35 Spain Spain
2022-09-12 13:35 Spain Spain




I made a withdrawal request to CANG LIMITED, but it has not been transferred

Resolved I made a withdrawal request to CANG LIMITED, but it has not been transferred

So far, I have paid 20.315% tax, 15% security deposit, and 15% deferred payment, but since the payment period has passed, I was told to pay a 5% service fee, and at that time the funds were removed from my MT5 account. lost. When I was about to transfer the service charge somehow, they told me not to use it. I would like to ask you to return some of the funds.

2022-09-12 11:43 Japan Japan
2022-09-12 11:43 Japan Japan

Unable to withdraw




Unable to withdrawBDG

Deny withdrawal by various reason. It has been a month.

2022-09-12 11:08 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-12 11:08 Hong Kong Hong Kong






There is no way to log in, and the money is also gone. I have been contacting the customer service to withdraw the money. The system has been upgraded for a long time.

2022-09-12 11:08 Australia Australia
2022-09-12 11:08 Australia Australia

Unable to withdraw



Freeze the account and do not allow withdrawals

Unable to withdrawFreeze the account and do not allow withdrawals

Under the banner of poverty alleviation, they do thing that illegal, and frequently call you to place orders illegally, resulting in a loss of 4.3 trillion yuan. The account is also frozen and the withdrawal is not allowed. Deposits and receipts are all from different private accounts and there are more than 30 bank cards. This is a scam company.

2022-09-12 11:08 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-12 11:08 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



Lies in the name of poverty alleviation, do shameful things, and refuse to withdraw

Unable to withdrawLies in the name of poverty alleviation, do shameful things, and refuse to withdraw

Freeze account, do not allow withdrawals, frequently call orders, lose 4.3 trillion fraud platform

2022-09-12 10:41 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-12 10:41 Hong Kong Hong Kong


BBI Trading

BBI Trading

Can't log in to the website

ResolvedCan't log in to the website

What's wrong with the website?

2022-09-12 08:50 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-12 08:50 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw

MultiBank Group

MultiBank Group

MultiBank Finance! Procrastinate for a year without paying!

Unable to withdrawMultiBank Finance! Procrastinate for a year without paying!

My trading account in MultiBank Group is 33553121. They have been shirking and refusing to perform my withdrawal application since last year. During that period, my father suffered from sudden stroke, rescue, hospitalization, so we urgently needed money for treatment in ICU ward. I explained the situation to MultiBank Group and urged it to perform my withdrawal application. However, its leader just doesn't care about my father's life and muddled with emails. He struggled for 22 days since he was admitted to the ICU ward on June 3. Finally, we had to cut off the ventilator and had no choice but to give up the treatment because I could not afford the high ICU hospitalization fee. During this period, I contacted with MultiBank Group for several times, and its worker also made feedback to their foreign leaders about my situation. But, I've not gotten any message from it till now. MultiBank Group can't guarantee the fund safety of domestic clients, and the management disdained my father's life. I think this issue has been already upgraded to a nation level. I sincerely hope my countrymen and friends from the forex circle together to boycott MultiBank Group and its CEO, the scum of the financial world!

2022-09-12 02:30 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-12 02:30 Hong Kong Hong Kong


EA just liquidate

OthersEA just liquidate

This company is a fraud group. At the beginning, they kept promoting how stable the AI ​​intelligent operation is. You can experience it first. After a month, you will be required to increase the funds to 30,000 US dollars before joining the official AI version. I can't increase the funds, she said that I can only continue to use the trial version of AI. As a result, the lot size suddenly increased within two days, and the position was directly liquidated without setting a stop loss. After the incident, they immediately removed me from the group and disconnected my account. After that, they also said that their company proposed a solution, which is to ask me to continue injecting funds. This is a routine that planning to deceive again over again......

2022-09-11 19:38  Taiwan Taiwan
2022-09-11 19:38  Taiwan Taiwan






JR China is a hedging platform that scams me for hundreds of thousand. My hard earned money. severe slippage. Then, I see something wrong and ask customer service to cancel my account. They rold me that I cannot open account after canceling it. I lost more and more. Return my hard-earned money!

2022-09-11 17:18 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-11 17:18 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw

Place a Trade

Place a Trade

They don't give the money

Unable to withdrawThey don't give the money

I have been waiting for my withdrawal for 11 days and all they say to the customer service is (you will be credited soon there are many requests in process)

2022-09-11 15:39 Ecuador Ecuador
2022-09-11 15:39 Ecuador Ecuador

Unable to withdraw

Helius Capital

Helius Capital

I have no kind words for this broker

Unable to withdrawI have no kind words for this broker

My account was sitting conveniently over 70,000 only for it to be reduced to $5,000 and yet they called me over again convincing me to add more money. Later on i requested for withdrawal but it was cancelled by someone in Helius capital with proof below i filed a complaint and withdrawal access restored This broker is a liar and do not deserve any form of rating

2022-09-11 15:07 United States United States
2022-09-11 15:07 United States United States

Unable to withdraw




Unable to withdrawScam

A lot of fake companies teach you to transfer money to them. It also uses the Huobi app to teach you to withdraw money and transfer it to the leom market e-wallet to absorb gold. Then go to mt4 or mt5 to invest. gold. Forex, etc. . The problem is that mt4 and mt5app are fine. . The problem is the Huobi app and the leom market wallet. In the beginning, I will use the dating app to contact you. . Say something about love at first sight. . The point is to cheat money and cheat money step by step. . So be careful.

2022-09-11 14:54 Malaysia Malaysia
2022-09-11 14:54 Malaysia Malaysia




Scam and does not allow withdrawals

ScamScam and does not allow withdrawals

2 months ago, someone introduced and invited me to participate in forex investment. Since I am a newbie, I do not understand the forex market very well. But seeing how they make money, I agreed to participate. There is a support on Telegram asking me to provide personal information to open an account at BKYHYO exchange and I have deposited $1000 investment. But transfer money to another person, not deposit money on the exchange. In the last 1 month, they changed the name of the floor twice to GRAND SIGNAL MARKETS and LUNBOUX LIMITED. All brokers do not have a business license. I entered the trade and made a profit. Currently my account has 5990$. Suddenly the Telegram account of the support and the person who invited me to join at first was locked. Can't login on MT5 platform, can't find Lunboux Limited exchange name on MT5. I noticed instability so I made a withdrawal request on It's been 48 hours and still no approval for my withdrawal. This is a sophisticated deceptive process. Please help me get the money

2022-09-11 13:32 Vietnam Vietnam
2022-09-11 13:32 Vietnam Vietnam

Unable to withdraw



It's been a few years, when will my three thousand dollars come back?

Unable to withdrawIt's been a few years, when will my three thousand dollars come back?

It's been a few years, when will my three thousand dollars come back?

2022-09-11 11:09 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-11 11:09 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



Scam. I already report to police

Unable to withdrawScam. I already report to police

I made a deposit of 7,000, and after earning 21,350, I applied for a withdrawal. The customer service refused to accept the withdrawal on the grounds that the card number was wrong. I checked the trading platform and the card number that was sent to her when the account was opened. It was correct, she said it was wrong and asked me to withdraw 2 A deposit of 10,000 yuan can be used to change the card number to apply for withdrawal.

2022-09-11 10:57 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-11 10:57 Hong Kong Hong Kong

Unable to withdraw



Liar! I apply for the withdrawal online, and prepares the withdrawal after the audit, and another 0.06% tax is required. Various reasons tell you to transfer the money. Otherwise, you cannot withdraw.

Unable to withdrawLiar! I apply for the withdrawal online, and prepares the withdrawal after the audit, and another 0.06% tax is required. Various reasons tell you to transfer the money. Otherwise, you cannot withdraw.

Because even the tax bureau has no right to hold your money all the time. If you don't pay the tax on time, the money can only be handed over to the financial bureau if you follow the procedure. It will only scare you into calling You pay taxes, it's all a liar.

2022-09-11 08:44 South Korea South Korea
2022-09-11 08:44 South Korea South Korea




If it is difficult to withdraw money, please stay away, it is all hard-earned money, 12% of the handling fee is deducted, and you can’t get out for ten days, please stay away

ResolvedIf it is difficult to withdraw money, please stay away, it is all hard-earned money, 12% of the handling fee is deducted, and you can’t get out for ten days, please stay away

If it is difficult to withdraw money, please stay away, it is all hard-earned money, and 12% of the handling fee will be deducted.

2022-09-11 06:59 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2022-09-11 06:59 Hong Kong Hong Kong


Unable to withdraw

Severe Slippage



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Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdraw

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Severe Slippage





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